
The allotment committee actively oversees the management and allocation of allotment plots, fostering a sense of community among local gardeners and promoting sustainable, green spaces within the town.

Large tree

The finance committee manages fiscal matters, analysing budgets and making prudent financial decisions to support the town’s infrastructure, services, and community initiatives.

Charlbury Fields

The planning committee diligently reviews and assesses proposals, fostering community engagement and ensuring thoughtful development for the town’s sustainable future.

View through churchyard

The traffic committee works diligently to address and optimise the flow of traffic, implementing strategic measures to enhance road safety, reduce congestion, and improve overall transportation efficiency for the benefit of the community.

Surrounding Fields

The energy committee is dedicated to promoting sustainability by exploring and implementing innovative initiatives to reduce carbon emissions, increase energy efficiency, and foster a greener environment for the town’s residents.

Charlbury Train Station

The journeys committee is committed to enhancing the overall travel experience for residents and visitors alike, focusing on promoting accessible and sustainable transportation options while continually seeking ways to improve the connectivity and convenience of journeys within the community.

View of field

The food committee champions the local food ecosystem, supporting and signposting local producers, suppliers, and retailers. The committee actively promotes initiatives for community-based food production and sharing, advocates for climate-friendly food practices, and encourages measures to reduce food waste.

View over fields

The land and nature committee is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the town’s natural environment, actively engaging in initiatives to protect biodiversity, promote responsible land use, and create green spaces that contribute to the overall well-being of the community.

Church Church

The buildings committee implements energy-efficient measures and innovative technologies to reduce both costs and carbon emissions associated with heating our buildings, contributing to a sustainable and environmentally conscious community infrastructure.

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