Charlbury Town Council manages Allotment Gardens at a large site at Oxpens on the Enstone Road for the use of residents of Charlbury. If you would like to apply for an allotment please contact the Town Clerk: note there is currently a long waiting list.

The next allotments inspection will take place on Wednesday 13th September between 7pm and 8pm.


1.  Persons eligible are to be resident in the Parish of Charlbury

2. General Conditions

The tenant of an allotment garden must comply with the following conditions:

  1. The allotment garden must be kept in a good state of cultivation and fertility (there will be two inspections annually to enforce this clause).
  2.  The tenant must not cause any nuisance or annoyance to the occupier of any other allotment garden or resident of adjacent property, or obstruct any path set out by the Council for the use of occupiers of the allotment gardens.
  3.  Any complaints regarding other tenants or issues requiring clarification should be addressed to the Council directly, not to the tenant(s) in question.
  4. The tenant must not underlet, assign or part with the possession of the allotment garden, or any part of it, without the written consent of the Council.
  5. Every hedge that forms part of the allotment garden must be kept properly cut and trimmed and all ditches properly cleansed.
  6. The tenant must not, without the written consent of the Council, erect any building on the allotment garden. Sheds or greenhouses must be applied for in writing to the Clerk stating the size and location requested.
  7. No dogs or livestock are permitted on the allotment site.
  8. The tenant must, as regards the allotment garden, observe and perform all conditions and covenants under which the Council holds the land.
  9. The tenant must observe and perform any other special conditions which the Councils considers necessary to preserve the allotment garden from deterioration.
  10. The Council strongly discourages the use of peat-based compost, synthetic pesticides and weedkillers (including metaldehyde slug pellets) with the exception of those permitted for use in organic systems.

3. Payment of Rent

The rent of allotment gardens is to be paid annually to the Clerk of the Council on 1st April. Reminders will not normally be issued.

4. Termination of Tenancy

The tenancy of an allotment garden will terminate on the annual rent day next after the death of a tenant.

It may also be terminated by the Council after one month’s notice:-

  • If the tenant is in arrears for not less than 60 days or
  • If the tenant is not duly observing the rules of the allotment garden, or any other terms or conditions of his/her tenancy.

The Council is prepared to accept one month’s notice of termination (in writing) to expire at any time.

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