Become a Town Councillor

In the upcoming May election, you have the chance to make a significant impact as a Town Councillor. Imagine being at the forefront of decisions that will shape the character, sustainability, and growth of Charlbury for years to come. Your voice matters, and by standing for election, you can contribute to the positive transformation of our beloved town.

The work of the Town Council is conducted by the Councillors, its officer, committees, working parties and external groups.

Town Council 

The Council consists of twelve elected members each representing the entire town. The Council meets monthly, usually in the last week of the month on Mondays and Wednesdays. Meetings are open to the public and press except where items of a confidential nature are dealt with. A time slot is allocated for public participation by prior arrangement with the Clerk. Elections for Council take place every four years.

Gary Harrison


Tony Merry


Janet Burroughs


Liz Reason

Vice Chair

Gareth Epps


Peter Kendrick


James Styring


Nick Potter


Claire Wilding


Emily Algar


Frances Mortimer


David Green


Lisa Wilkinson

Town Clerk

The Town Clerk is the Council’s proper officer and responsible financial officer. As such it is the Clerk’s responsibility to ensure that the Council meets all the legal requirements in the conduct of business and that directives are carried out as required. 

Contact the Clerk, Lisa Wilkinson Email: Mobile: 07311 259412

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